
Student Activities:

Student-Mentor Luncheon (Nov. 1)

This event will bring students and early-career professionals together with senior scientists and managers from academia, agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector for an informal opportunity to discuss research interests and career goals. It is a chance to pick the minds of established professionals and learn from their experiences and advice. The lunch will take place at the conference venue during the scheduled lunch break.

All attendees will receive a survey via email in advance to indicate their interest in participating in this event as a mentor or mentee. The survey will include general information on research interests that will be used to match participants. For further information about this event, please contact

Student Social Evening (Nov. 1)

Join us for a social evening at the Bar Under the Sun (BUS) on November 1st starting at 6:00 pm.

This event is planned to gather students in a relaxed and friendly environment following the first day of the scientific program. It is an opportunity to hang out -in person-, reunite with old friends, and make new ones. This venue is located 2 blocks from the Omni Hotel (see map below), and more information can be found on The BUS website. Stay tuned for more details!

Bar Under the Sun (BUS)
702 N. Chaparral St.
Corpus Christi, TX 78401

Student Travel Awards

The WBS is offering travel awards to assist its student members to attend the annual meeting in Corpus Christi, TX. To qualify for an award, students must be the lead author, although they may have other authors listed on the paper. Applications will be accepted for student in-person or virtual presenters. The average award granted is $150 USD.


  1. Be a student, or if recently finished, presenting on work conducted as a student.
  2. Student must present a paper at the WBS meeting and must be the lead author, although may have other authors listed on the paper.

Student Travel Awards are given on a competitive basis. Applications will be judged on the cover letter, statement of interest in waterbird research and abstract of the paper to be presented.


Your application (one file that starts with your last name in title of the file; maximum length of 3 pages) must include:

  1. Cover letter: be sure to include 1) your full name, 2) university affiliation, 3) the degree you are in and year status (e.g., 2nd year MSc), 4) full address, including a telephone and e-mail contact, 5) name of your major professor, 6) title of your presentation, 7) whether it is an oral or poster submission, and 8) an estimate of your travel costs. Include a paragraph detailing the amount of money you are requesting and specifying expenses. Also, state if you have other funds available.
  2. Statement of research in progress or professional plans as they relate to Waterbirds (200 words maximum).
  3. Abstract of paper you will present at the meeting.

Deadline for Receipt of complete applications: August 16, 2022.

Please note, students must also submit an abstract to the appropriate Scientific Committee.

Email applications to Gail Fraser (

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